She's beauty, brains, and ballet! 
On the day of her Senior session Isabel had the FLU! (It wasn't COVID, I promise). 
Our in-house Hair/Make-up Artist busied away crafting Isabel's hair-do and makeup palette, all while poor Isabel sniffled, snizzled, AND sneezed. Not gonna lie, I was secretly concerned for a moment that her nose would be Rudolph red, but then her cough meds kicked in and we were all good!
We drove to our first location and I forewarned her to go slow and conserve energy. I knew if she did too much her body would crash as soon as we were done. She'd likely conk out in mom's car within minutes!
Did she listen? Not one bit! 
When you look and feel this beautiful you just want to revel in it! Thats the experience Automatik aims to achieve for each and every Senior!
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