She is a blazing fireball and nothings stopping her! She's ambitious, talented, and a sweetheart
 When the forecast predicted wet weather, we dashed to Target to find an umbrella that might suit. Kylie has a thing for leopard print (check the shoes), and Providence was with us because we found a. LEOPARD. PRINT. umbrella! KYLIE loved it! and Mom was super pleased with our attention to detail to make her precious girl's Senior Session EPIC! 
Kylie posed like a beast, following all our posing direction (we give tons!). 
Once again, our in-house Hairstylist and our Makeup Artist brought all the fairy-dust in their pouches to create a look that was ALL KYLIE! Her blonde lockes curled in lovely spirals, and her blue-green eyes expertly lashed. Our MUA applies false lashes to every Senior girl, which makes for extra OOMPH in the camera.  ​​​​​​​
#fire #purrfect #blondie
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